Mini Mac - Evolutionary Spirituality for Global Engagement - April 30th

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Wini’s presentation speaks directly to the Affiliate Pillars of Spirituality & Global Vision as well as to Community and Action. It will address deep aspects of spirituality and how we engage in the world in ways we often intuit but might have not yet looked at in depth. This is a particularly important topic for our times!

Presentation Description (Excerpts):

Evolutionary Spirituality for Global Engagement

Evolutionary spirituality starts with the Universe’s deep history and the understanding that there is an intelligent and creative energy that animates every ounce of this awesome, unfolding process.  This creative process is what the world’s ancient wisdom traditions point to as the Divine.  It sees the Earth as one integral, interconnected, living organism, which includes the individual and the collective, the subjective (inner) and the empirical (outer), the human and the other-than-human. 

Global engagement recognizes that we humans are both products of and participants in this creative, cosmic process.  Aligned with the Universe’s evolutionary imperative, human beings play a vital role in our planet’s unfolding.  Evolutionary spirituality helps to situate homo sapiens and our seemingly overwhelming global challenges in the context of a vast history.  We have the resources to engage with the complex challenges of the 21st century. 

Registration - Limited to 100. You will receive the Zoom link upon registering

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