INVITATION - Committee of 12 - Living Into a Common Vision for Maryknoll
Dear Maryknollers,
Warm greetings to all! Already many months have passed since our first all-Maryknoll invitational zoom in June 2021. In that gathering we worked in small groups to name “epochal” changes taking place at this time in our world. The “Synod” that was to be inaugurated by Pope Francis in October of 2021 was one such change mentioned. That “Synod on Synodality,” as it has been called, was launched as planned and has been gaining momentum around the world. Pope Francis has reiterated his intention to create a new way of being Church in service to the world. This focus has given us both enthusiasm and method for reconvening a second all-Maryknoll invitational zoom with the theme:
Living into a common vision for Maryknoll.
Hence, we are inviting you to join us in two gatherings, the first of which will be on Saturday, May 21, and the second on June 18, 2022. Each zoom gathering is scheduled to offer two different time slots to accommodate as many areas of the world as possible.
To register for the May 21 gathering, please choose one of the following options:
Click here for the May 21, 2022 09:00 AM Eastern Time
Click here for the May 21, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time
Registration deadline is May 15, 2022. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the gathering.
In preparation for participation in the zoom, thought should be given to the questions highlighted in the program outline below. We call attention to two aspects of this process that are particularly important for discerning what the Spirit may be saying to us:
the built-in periods of silence, and the emphasis on listening to one another.
The schedule is designed to take an hour and a half and is necessarily tight. Much will depend on the number of participants.
Our synodal process will be completed in the follow-up zoom gathering, scheduled for June 18. At that time we will review together a common draft synthesis, composed by the CO12 from the collected group syntheses of May 21. This draft, along with guidelines for the June 18 agenda and zoom registration link, will be sent to all prior to that gathering. The discerned and agreed upon final document will be submitted to Leaderships of the four expressions of Maryknoll and a copy will be sent to the Synod office in Rome from the gathering.
We are in the season of Lent as we plan these all-Maryknoll invitational zoom gatherings, but it is the Feast of Pentecost that calls to us. What better time to consider our role in creating Pope Francis’ dream, which he says is God’s dream, of creating a new way of being Church.
Welcome (people arriving, settling in, etc.)
Synod Prayer (with music)
Introduction/explanation of procedure, including questions below…honoring the synodal process.
Following Pope Francis who has spoken repeatedly about the need to create a new way of being Church today,
1) How might we, as Maryknoll, live into this new way of being Church?
2) How might this invite us to live into a common vision for Maryknoll?
Break into small groups, each with a facilitator and a scribe.
Participants briefly give name and relationship with MK.
Facilitator reminds the participants of the questions.
Participants reflect silently for 5 minutes in preparation for their input.
Each person speaks for a maximum of 3 minutes.
Participants may wish to take notes.
When all have spoken, begin second period of 5 minutes of silent reflection on what was heard and to prepare second input.
Each person shares for 2 minutes about what they have heard, what has enlightened or resonated with them re: what it seems the Holy Spirit is saying to us.
In time remaining, open conversation to help discern and elaborate the synthesis that will be written up and handed in by the scribe.
Near the end of an hour and a half, participants reconvene in large group for a brief closing prayer.
We, the “Committee of 12.” (a group composed from all expressions of Maryknoll who have been meeting regularly in equality and friendship for nearly two years) wish you joy and blessings and look forward to seeing you soon.
Ann Carr Claudette LaVerdiere Sami Scott
Rick Dixon (on leave) Rich Lessard Bob Short
Kylene Fremling Ellen McDonald John Sivalon
Joe Healey Len Montiel Ken Thesing
Marj Humphry