These guidelines are for those involved in the process of establishing new Chapters. That group might include individual Maryknoll Affiliates, Regional Coordinators, the Maryknoll Affiliate Board, a Maryknoll Missioner and the Executive Coordinator. The guidelines are meant to ensure that the new Chapter will meet the minimal requirements and guide those assisting the new Chapter in its beginning stages.
Portland Chapter - Photo: Mary Ryan-Hotchkiss
The following are the minimum prerequisites to be considered a functioning Affiliate Chapter as defined by the Affiliate Organizational Document:
Consists of four or more people.
Holds a minimum of three meetings a year.
Sustains a working internal organization.
Has an Affiliate Contact Person who relates with their Regional Coordinator, the Executive Coordinator and the Maryknoll Affiliate Board.
In addition, the potential Chapter will undergo the formation process, which includes developing an understanding of and commitment to the Maryknoll charism and the four pillars of the Maryknoll Affiliate Movement: Community, Spirituality, Global Vision and Action.
Midwest Chapter (Oklahoma) - Photo: Patty Hinton
interest in a New ChapteR
Interest in forming an Affiliate Chapter may be generated in a number of ways:
When people write or call to ask about the Affiliates, the Executive Coordinator informs them if there is a Chapter in their area. If not, the information they receive invites them to begin a new Chapter. Many people respond to such invitations. Sometimes people will contact the Maryknoll Affiliates specifically asking how to start a new Chapter.
Regional Coordinators in their contacts and travel may become aware of people interested in beginning a new Chapter.
Maryknollers who have connections with people expressing an interest in the Affiliate movement assist in the process of beginning a new Chapter.
Maryknoll Affiliates may start new Chapters when they move to another area or circumstances change within the existing Chapter.
Chicago Chapter - Photo: Maureen Doyle
Process for Establishing a New Chapter
Once an individual or a group shows interest in establishing a Maryknoll Affiliate Chapter, the Executive Coordinator and the Regional Coordinator assist those interested, using the following process as a guideline: