Bethany House - El Paso, TX
As seen from an aerial view, migrants line up along the U.S.-Mexico border fence to apply for asylum in the United States on Dec. 21, 2022 as viewed from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
Information and Registration
The new collaborative initiative between Maryknoll Lay Missioners & Affiliates to live in community and
work with migrants – most often through Annunciation House – is underway. The six bedroom house on
E. Rio Grande is fully furnished and folks (all Maryknollers are welcome) have begun to arrive.
All applicants are required to fill out a registration form for both Bethany House and Annunciation House. The Bethany House application is for housing while volunteering in El Paso, and the Annunciation House link is for a work assignment.
Registration Info
This application for Bethany House is for lodging while volunteering in El Paso, and a separate application is required for Annunciation House for a work assignment. Annunciation House is the organization that can place you in a site to work with migrants.
When the Bethany House application has been completed and reviewed, you will you receive a call to confirm receipt.
Once approved, information on a background check will be sent under separate cover.
All the collected information will be entered on a spread sheet for better management of this initiative. You will also receive a welcome letter from Bethany House with more details.
Please note, the bedrooms at Bethany house are on the second floor, as are the full baths. One would need to be able to navigate stairs.
Bethany House is near stops for both Sun Metro bus line, and the Brio bus line. A street car is also available. It has two loops (uptown and downtown). Information is available on the Ride Sun Metro App.
Special needs – if you have special food or physical needs, please include in the application
Additional Information
Minimum stay at Bethany House is for two weeks. Annunciation House requires two full weeks. Travel time is additional to the two weeks. You are welcome and encouraged to stay for an extended time, e.g., weeks & months.
Community – in addition to the important work with migrants, the collaborative community is an essential piece for those living at Bethany House. As work schedules allow, common reflection/prayer, meals, conversations, socializing fun, etc. will be a part.
Travel – air & ground travel are the responsibility of each volunteer.
Food - $125 each person for two weeks
Rent – Lay Missioners and others are asked to check with Elvira Ramirez, MKLM Executive Director to determine if there is an expected rent payment.
Utilities – are included without cost to volunteers