Greetings from Sr. Janet Srebalus, MM
Hi, everybody! And for those who know me, I am happy to be back again, connecting with all of you. This is my 60th Year as a Maryknoll Sister and it’s like a special Jubilee gift being invited to join the Affiliate Board. Though I am still connected through the Tanzanian Affiliate Chapter pictured here, I feel I’ll get to know more of you participating in this way on the Affiliate Board.
Tanzania Chapter of Maryknoll Affiliates
In the year 2000, I Joined the Maryknoll Affiliate Coordinating Team, first working with Fr. Jack Moynahan and Fred Goddard and then with Fr. Jack Sullivan and Fred. It was one of the great joys of my Maryknoll Mission life meeting so many of you as I traveled the country, visiting chapters, attending regional and national conferences, visiting with you, sharing with you, praying with you, doing mission together. I will always remember how a group of us pitched in and did clean up in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
In 2007, a new era began with Affiliate Regional Coordinators, and I returned to Tanzania, where I had been in mission since 1966, first as a secondary school teacher, then branching out to various pastoral ministries such as youth work women’s development, and Small Christian Communities. After getting my Master’s degree in Psychology and Pastoral Counseling to prepare me for Congregational Formation work, I was a Supervisor for CPE, (Clinical Pastoral Education), a psychology lecturer at Jordan University, and now a Spiritual Accompanier and Facilitator for Tanzanian Sisters’ ongoing education, especially in psychology and spirituality.
Some of you may remember, I was able to attend the 2015 Regional Conference in Seattle, thanks to Kitty and Roger Shiltz.
Now, “thanks” to Covid 19, I hope to meet more of you on ZOOM and, hopefully, eventually in person! For now, May to mid-August I am in the United States on Renewal and then will be returning to Tanzania. Through the years, I regret I have lost touch with so many, but am eager to resume contact. I can be reached on Facetime, Messenger, and WhatsApp. My e-mail is: and WhatsApp: +255 763 584 144.
For anyone who wants to visit Tanzania, I live in Mwanza, three blocks from Lake Victoria. Karibuni! (Welcome!)