Responding to Present/Future Injustices

To see the full image, go to the 2nd link  below - EquallySacredScorecard - provided by Sr. Kathryn & Hugh:

To see the full image, go to the 2nd link below - EquallySacredScorecard - provided by Sr. Kathryn & Hugh:

To say one is apolitical is essentially to endorse the status quo.  We attempt not to be partisan, - not leftwing or rightwing but always probing at the roots of the soul for what is loving and what is hateful. With so much that is happening out of Washington running counter to the Gospel, it would be cowardly to remain silent. Over last weeks, 4 Affiliates, one Maryknoll Sister (who is also an Affiliate) and a Maryknoll Lay Missioner suggested different avenues for understanding and confronting the hateful insanity.

 At the request of Sr. Kathryn Cordelia MM, a Los Angeles Chapter member, Hugh Mention, Regional Coordinator for California and also member of the Los Angeles Chapter sent out   two links related to the November Election – an agenda item for their 9/5 meeting.  The two links focus on the Catholic vote and the rationale for not voting for Trump.  Here they are:

Beth Begley of the New Jersey Chapter and deeply committed to justice and peace, also sent us information on the upcoming election with these words attached: “I don't know that any organization would want to sign on yet - but something to seriously consider as events unfold.”  Here are the links - 

Susan Nagele MD, a MKLM who served for over 30 years in East Africa, wrote to leadership in all 4 Maryknoll expressions inviting us to consider signing on to be a partner in Seasons of Creation a partnership that builds on its pastoral care of Christian communities and all of creation.  Ginny McEvoy - Long Island Chapter and on the Affiliate Board - suggested the same.

Mary Ryan Hotchkiss - Portland Chapter and Co-editor of NSFA suggested this Catholic Nonviolence Initiative from Pax Christi:


Catholic Nonviolence Days of Action

September 21 to October 2

"[I] call on all people of good will to recognize what Christians profess as a consequence of faith: that it is only by considering our peers as brothers and sisters that humanity can overcome wars and conflicts. ... Your thoughts on revitalizing the tools of nonviolence, and of active nonviolence in particular, will be a needed and positive contribution." (Pope Francis)

Go to the Pax Christi USA site for more information:

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