Evolutionary Spirituality for Global Engagement Additional Information - Register Today
Wini’s presentation focuses on emerging aspects of spirituality and how we can engage the world in co-creative ways that we often intuit but have not yet fully embraced. This is a particularly important topic for our times!
Evolutionary Spirituality for Global Engagement
Evolutionary Spirituality starts with the Universe’s deep history and an understanding that there is an intelligent and creative energy animating every facet of this awesome, unfolding process. This creative energy is what the world’s ancient wisdom traditions point to as the Divine. The Universe is constantly evolving and emerging, and so too are human beings, on every level of human endeavor. As Teilhard said: “We are moving!”
Global Engagement, situated in evolutionary spirituality, recognizes that human beings are both products of and participants in this creative, cosmic process. The Earth is one integral, interconnected, living organism. When aligned with the Universe’s evolutionary imperative, the human species plays a vital role in our planet’s unfolding. Evolutionary spirituality places homo sapiens and our seemingly overwhelming global challenges in the context of a vast history. Humanity has creative capacities, millions of years in the making, to engage with the complex challenges of the 21st century.
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