Earth Day Movie - Chicago Chapter (2 showings)
In honor of Earth Day on April 22, the Chicago Maryknoll Affiliate Chapter invites the larger Affiliate community to virtually view the movie Youth v Gov. The film documents the actions taken by 21 young climate activists who filed a lawsuit against the United States, charging the government for endangering their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by not addressing the climate crisis. Among the youth activists is Nick Venner, son of Affiliate Board member Marie Venner.
The film will be streamed on Zoom on Thursday, April 21 at 7:00PM CST and again on Saturday, April 23 at 2PM CST.
Please register here for the Thursday April 21 film showing.
Please register here for the Saturday April 23 film showing.
Upon registration, a link will be sent to you. Video streaming of the film for faith-based organizations is made possible by the Interfaith Power and Light.
Any questions, please email Celine Woznica at