NSFA - Spring Printing

Paula & Mary

Paula & Mary

The 2020 May/June edition of NSFA has been motionlessly resting among the piles of the unprinted at Maryknoll’s printing department.  As with just about every business, the shutdown following the pandemic has kept Maryknoll employees working from home.  For those in the printing department, not being able to transport many 1,000’s of lbs. of printing machinery to their homes means that printing has stopped for a time. Superior General, Fr. Ray Finch MM announced at a meeting last week that 25% of personal will return this week.  It is yet not clear how the progression will follow.

Manny Hotchkiss said that NSFA editors, Paula Schaffner and Mary Ryan-Hotchkiss “…hope that the May June NSFA would still be sent. People who have been isolated need the Affiliate connection even more.” It is yet to be seen if that can happen.  It does, however, say something about the value NSFA holds for so many Affiliates.  It also reminds me again of the exceptional work these two women have put in over so many years to make Not So Far Afield such a substantive and heartfelt reflection of Affiliate life.

You can find the digital version of the May/June NSFA on the new website at: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d4eea7c384fa900012d9c53/t/5ebc80ce8b1aa05753d3360e/1589412051259/2020+05+06+NSFA.pdf

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