The Phenomenon of the “Usual Suspects” has been detected in the Maryknoll Affiliates.
Note: While none of this figures resemble any of the Affiliate usual suspects, that guy in the hat might bring Manny Hotchkiss to mind.
Yesterday I met with the Affiliate New Mission Initiative committee. Tonight (1/19), I’ll be meeting with the Regional Coordinators. The Census committee, Engagement Team, Young person Committee, Mini Mac planners, Nomination Committee, Finance Committee, Executive Committee of the Board, the editors of the newsletters, NSFA and NTLH... all these (and a few more not listed here) will be meeting sometime within the month.
If a photographer were brought in to take photos of each of these committees/initiatives, a curious revelation would become transparently clear – the same faces keep reappearing. Often the same person(s) will reappear in three separate photos. We’ve affectionally named this photographic disclosure - evidence of the usual suspects phenomenon.
Many of you reading this might well say, “Who knew there were all these Affiliate committees?!” Fair enough. Communication could be better. Additionally, most likely all of us have had the experience of signing up for a committee only to find it no fun. There’s a temptation to liken it to tooth extraction except that that usually accomplishes something. Life is too short to waste. Yet, it’s fair to say that these committees/initiatives (and the incredibly dedicated usual suspects who are a part) very much sustain the life of the Affiliate movement, ultimately of mission itself.
Could you see yourself joining the ranks of the Usual Suspects? I invite you to explore sharing your life experience and the internal wisdom with which you’ve been blessed. Send an email to Bob Short at: to learn more. If you are already a Usual (or even an occasional) Suspect, Thank You! Please extend a personal invitation to those who always have such great ideas to join you in moving the Affiliates and mission forward.