NEW!! - Mission Grant / Subvención de misión / 미션 그랜트
New - Affiliate Mission Grant Program
Manny Hotchkiss (Board & Portland), David Schaffner (Central Valley) & John Moritz (Northeast Florida) have been working on and now completed a Mission Grant program. See the details below..
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Purpose These grants aim to encourage mission efforts of Maryknoll Affiliates inspired by the four pillars of the Affiliate Movement: Spirituality, Community, Global Vision and Action. The grants will assist Affiliates in promoting peace, justice, community development, and/or international understanding.
General Guidelines The applicant is a Maryknoll Affiliate.
The request is supported by a Maryknoll Affiliate chapter or involved Maryknoller.
The request is for a one-time grant.
Within a year after the grant is issued, the applicant or project leader will provide a summary of activities enabled by the grant in an article for the NSFA/NTLH, and an accounting of grant funds to the Grant Committee.
Partnership with a Maryknoll entity will be needed to transfer funds to an international chapter or Affiliate.
Grants are disbursed only when the Maryknoll Affiliate 4014 mission account balance is greater than the sum of the two previous years’ operating budget amount.
Requests for travel assistance do not come under this initiative and are handled by a separate Board committee.
Procedure for request of a grant
Requests for grants are submitted in writing using the attached form and sent to: Maryknoll Affiliates Grant Committee c/o Manny Hotchkiss
The Affiliate Grant (Funding Initiative) Committee is an Ad Hoc committee of the Affiliate Board. The Committee will meet and review requests in a timely manner.
After reviewing and approving the request, the Grant Committee forwards the request to the Executive Committee and/or to the Affiliate Board for review and approval. Grants of less than $500.00 can be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee, larger amounts require full Board approval.
After approval by the Executive Committee or the Board, the applicant will be notified by the Executive Coordinator who arranges for payment from the 4014 Mission Account.
Follow-up procedure for awarded grants
Within three months of receiving the grant award, the chapter/recipient will prepare and send a report to the Affiliate Grant Committee. The report will give a brief overview of the ongoing grant expenses and the anticipated completion of the grant. (see attached form)
Ongoing grants should send a report to the Committee quarterly (every 3 months).
To Request a Form - Contact: Manny Hotchkiss