Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers Chapter (from the Affiliate Observer)
Maryknoll Mission Bel
The Fathers & Brothers Chapter officially closed on July 29, 2021. The new Superior General, Father Lance Nadeau MM celebrated the final Mass with the previous and new General Council members as co-celebrants. Lance gave a moving and very encouraging homily. The new council will officially take over on September 27th.
New Council Members:
Fr. Lance Nadeau, Superior General...from the Africa Region, Kenya
Fr. Jim Lynch, Vicar General... from Latin American Region, most recently in Rome
Fr. Lam Hua, Assistant General, Africa Region, Tanzania
Fr. Tim K, Assistant General, Asia Region, China educators and formators project
The three week 14th Chapter was well organized, thoughtful, substantive, and respectful. As a legislative body it was a fairly linear and left-brain process but with a sense of unity and camaraderie throughout. Three observers attended: Len Montiel (MK Sisters) Kylene Fremling (MKLM) Bob Short (MK Affiliates). A good many of the proposals were internally focused as would be expected. Below are three that look more externally.
Building a Future in Response to God’s Call
In order to revitalize our response to mission and to energize our membership, the 14th General Chapter recommends that the next General Council invite all the Maryknoll expressions to initiate a new mission commitment. (italics mine)
Care of Creation: Listening to, identifying with, and responding to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor
Chapter recommends Society actions (e.g., buy electric cars where possible, divest in fossil fuels, compost) be taken to directly combat climate change, global warming, and environmental destruction. The directions of Laudato Si are recommended to be integrated into our mission vision and established as criteria for our works in the following ways:
Promoting Intercultural Living and Overcoming Discrimination in Maryknoll: Racism, Sexism and Homophobia
… there is an ongoing need to bring the issues of sexism, racism, homophobia and all forms of discrimination to the table; we need to face and deal with our unconscious bias. There is a need to deal with these issues through ongoing conversion and raising consciousness as part of a life-long formation process.