Liz Is Keeping Connected
Mary & Manny Hotchkiss – Portland Chapter
“I like to think of how our interconnection with each other is made even stronger as Affiliates. If we don't see or hear from someone, do we let that Affiliate disappear, or do we make the effort to reconnect?”
Liz Maxwell said, as she reflected about connecting with Affiliates during our recent visit in Ohio. She is a friend of the NSFA and a faithful Cincinnati Affiliate. Liz talked about her disdain for accumulating things but said you can’t accumulate too many friends.
Liz shared that she had just celebrated her 90th birthday! Several posters from the birthday party chronicled her life with photos. We loved the photo of her with Cesar Chavez in California.
We talked about our Affiliate chapters. Both Portland and Cincinnati are still meeting virtually and have members from other states. Cincinnati Affiliate Mike Gable is in the diocesan office on Missions and keeps in contact with their many sister parishes in the US and abroad. Other Affiliates have visited mission sites of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners.
Mary Ryan-Hotchkiss & Liz
“Would you like to see Bob’s Bench?” Liz asked us. Bob Maxwell, her husband who had passed away a few years ago, was also a great supporter of peace and justice, and of the Affiliates. Liz led us in a brisk half hour hike along a wooded ridge overlooking the Ohio River. In a small clearing, we saw Virginia blue bells around Bob’s Bench; Liz and her family had lovingly installed it with a song and ceremony not too long ago. It is a good place to sit and meditate, and to think about connecting with friends.
Manny Hotchkiss & Liz Maxwell
This article first appeared in Not So Far Afield, May/June 2024, page 6.