Important Questions
Important Questions for Affiliates (and Maryknoll) going forward.
In recent months, two very significant initiatives in Maryknoll – (1) The Maryknoll Wide October Retreat and (2) the projected Affiliate El Paso collaborative community focused on migration – have been on the top of our minds. The October Retreat, now a fully virtual event, is a full go. El Paso is hopefully close to realization but Maryknoll leadership is first looking to resolve some potential liability issues.
Both of these initiatives evoke underlying questions we’d like to suggest you consider (or add your own questions) in your chapter or gathering community. Here are a few questions that Board Member, Roxanne Hughes-Wheatland and NSFA Co-editor, Mary Ryan surfaced:
Could we start an Affiliate chapter in El Paso?
What structures do the Affiliates need to be more effective? What structures within the Affiliate movement are impeding us or making things more difficult?
What issues or missions speak to your chapter or group?
Do you see a closer relationship with the Maryknoll Lay Missioners in El Paso as a way for the Affiliates to work more effectively there and/or elsewhere?
Do we need to clarify or change our formal (legal) relationship to Maryknoll?
What level of collaboration with other Maryknoll entities is necessary before the Affiliates move forward on the El Paso Initiative?
What is our next steps in the Initiative? Has housing been secured? Review with the Affiliate Board? NOTE: We will be in contact with those 100+ Affiliates who responded so positively about the projected El Paso initiative.
What do you see as the Mission of Affiliates? What issues speak most strongly to you/your chapter?
How do you see migrants and migration influencing our future?
Thank you. Your responses could be material for the next NSFA, NTLH article or for Board agenda.