God’s Trumpet: My Journey to Saint Hildegard’s Rhineland
MKLM - Kathy Bond
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Kathy Bond shares her pilgrimage to Saint Hildegard's historical sites in this blog;
In celebration of 30 years in mission with Maryknoll Lay Missioners, I embarked on a pilgrimage to St. Hildegard’s Abbey near Bingen in Germany. Nestled high above the Rhine, I was blessed to be there near the grape harvest on spectacular blue, sunny September days.
When asked what motivated me to connect more with Saint Hildegard by visiting her homeland, the answer is several-fold. I first heard about her in 2001 when I audited Mary Ford-Grabowsky’s Sacred Voices course at the University of Creation Spirituality. Hildegard called herself “God’s Trumpet” and is considered by historians such as Janina Ramirez as one of the most important women of the Middle Ages. As a Catholic-educated North American of German descent, I asked myself why I had never heard of her and sought out on a journey to learn more.
Hildegard was a Benedictine nun, but equally a pioneering scientist, a theologian and a philosopher, a musician and a poet, and a physician who was particularly skilled in the methods of natural healing.
Read the full reflection here: