Affiliate Voices on Climate Change - The Chicago Chapter

 The November Mini Mac – Young People Speak on Climate Change – was one of many recent Affiliate ventures into this existential issue of our times. Another very substantive Affiliate voice into Climate Change has been that of Marilyn Kott and members of the Chicago Chapter.  In fact, her work in addressing the 7 goals of Pope Francis’s Laudato Si encyclical letter - through exceptionally well designed worksheets - was recognized and applauded by Catholic Climate Covenant (CCC), the primary Catholic group addressing this issue. They, along with our own Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns (MOGC) have it posted on their respective websites.

Many might find these worksheets particularly helpful in any presentations or discussions on the environment.  To view this information go to either:

·        MOGC:

·        CCC:

Marilyn’s dedication to this issue and the integrity with which she lives it out in her personal life is a wonderful affirmation of her commitment.

Robert ShortComment