Affiliate Team Explores “New Mission Initiatives” (ANMI)
Article by Mary Ryan-Hotchkiss, Co-editor NSFA
A team consisting of Patty Hinton, Santa Orlando, Roxanne Hughes-Wheatland, Mary Ryan-Hotchkiss, and assisted by Bob Short enthusiastically responded to the Board’s request to explore New Mission Involvement. The team has been meeting and named itself the Affiliate New Mission Initiative (ANMI).
The ANMI team looked carefully at the Board’s directions which included an emphasis on collaboration. Collaborative mission involvement could cover most everything Maryknoll Affiliates hold dear: from working with youth in the US, to working with marginalized communities abroad, and everything in between. As Affiliates, collaboration with other Maryknoll entities comes naturally, but other organizations could be considered for collaboration, too. Indeed mission always involves collaboration even if it is only with the community being served.
The ANMI team is beginning to gather known or existing relationships that Affiliates have that could benefit from our increased commitment. Many general suggestions have been made and include working with immigrants at the US Border, with Native American groups, at established overseas mission sites, addressing Climate Change, developing Youth Forums, etc.
Do you already have a collaborative relationship with a mission site or activity that the Affiliates could embrace and enhance? What efforts are you already pursuing with Maryknollers that could be broadened and strengthened? What other mission-oriented entities or sites besides those with Maryknoll have you encountered that could use the long-term or intensified involvement of more Affiliates? How is the Spirit of Mission leading you and the Affiliate Movement? Where are we called to serve? Contact the ANMI team chair, Patty Hinton with your ideas.