Affiliate Exuberance


“Exuberance” is a bit like a teaser at the beginning/end of a TV show or the subscript on a book cover. It gets the viewer to stay tuned in.  What could this be about?!  I’ll at least have to read the first sentence or two.

The Affiliate movement is aging but, if you’re inclined to question its exuberance (vibrancy, vitality, commitment, investment) stop in on one of the recent virtual chapter meetings; or the Affiliate-wide virtual presentations like - No A La Normalidad Sí al Buen Vivir / Racism / Courageous Conversations in the time of Pandemic and Polarization); or, the Book Group; or, for sure, the newsletters NSFA & NTLH.

NSFA - A few examples of articles: 1) A New Kind of Chapter [Kenya] 2) Things Affiliates can do about Racism 3) New Paths of Hope [translation from a Guatemalan Affiliate] 4) Quo Vadis 5) Immigration 6) Mary Magdalene, Apostle to Affiliates….

NTLH – Unos ejemplos de artículos: 1) Entrevista a la Dra. Ana Garcés sobre seguridad alimentaria y nutricional 2) un apretón de manos a la distancia – conectando afiliados/as de todas las partes 3) Soberanía Alimentaria en América Latina 4) Entrevista a Sister Dee Smith, MM 5) el sacerdote que no falló a su gente

A last example of Affiliate exuberance that’s a part of every chapter and probably overlooked, is the community and solidarity that takes place at just about every chapter meeting.  It gives all of us a sense of connection (and sanity) and allows each member to keep focused on her/his commitment.

Robert ShortComment