Members of the Guatemala Chapter speak to the elements of their Affiliate community that have made it such a vibrant and life-giving pillar for them. It is a community made up of a diversity of cultural, religious and ethnic groups that maintains open, interactive relationships and promotes shared values and ways of living within the community as well as with other Maryknoll communities throughout the world.
“We find solidarity in the joys, hopes, sadnesses and even crises of each other’s lives.”
Maryknoll Affiliates: Guatemala Chapter
Workshop Leader(s): Rosa Beatriz Castañeda de Larios, Rosa Maria de Leon, Anabella Penados Betancourt (Members of Guatemala Chapter)
Those who attended MAC 2017 will remember Rosa Beatriz, Rosa Maria and Anabella for all the work they did (with others) in the planning and implementation of that very successful and transformative MAC. All three are accomplished, professional women who have a deep, lived commitment to mission, particularly to issues of justice in their country. All three of the facilitators attended the Maryknoll Sisters' Monte Maria Colegio. The Affiliate Guatemala Chapter is one of the largest and most unique in the Affiliate world.