Notices & Updates
A quick look at notices/updates:
Ginny McEvoy
Ginny McEvoy, Long Island Chapter, is the Board Chair-elect and will assume that responsibility at the spring Board/Regional Coordinator Meeting. Ginny was the first (only) Affiliate on the first Affiliate Board in the early 1990’s. Her Brooklyn accent is treasured the world over. Ginny will replace Rich Lessard, a very dedicated Affiliate who has undertaken and realized many important initiatives for the movement during his time in this position. More to follow about Rich and Ginny.
Patty Hinton, Midwest Regional Coordinator, joined the Board in December 2020.
Affiliate 30th Anniversary!! – This year, 2021, marks 30 years since the founding of the Affiliate movement by Jim Madden MM and Ellen McDonald MM. A celebration committee of Rosa Beatriz Castañeda de Larios (Guatemala) Roxanne Hughes-Wheatland (DC/Baltimore) & Ginny McEvoy (Long Island) has already begun the initial stages of planning.
Fratelli Tutti - Over 40 people participated in the first session of this interactive workshop sponsored by the Baltimore/DC Chapter. The presenter, Susan Gunn of Maryknoll’s Office for Global Concerns, provided an inspirational overview utilizing the See/Judge/Act methodology. Marie Dennis, Senior Advisor to the secretary general of Pax Christi International, will present the final session on February 6. See:
MAC 2021 – The committee – Jim & Ann Coady, Celine Woznica, Ginny McEvoy, Agnes Walsh and Bob Short – are regrouping to look at theme (a new one), format and whether it will be virtual or in-person. There remain too many questions right now in the fog of pandemic to set a date.
Lisa Stengel, our website designer, is in the process of doing a major overhaul of the Affiliate Facebook page. It should be finished soon.
Monday Morning Update (MMU): If you like to receive an automatic email each Monday of the latest posting(s) on the website, you can sign up on the website ( and click the “Contact Us” tab on the upper write and there you can subscribe.
Newsletters – the two Affiliate newsletter teams continue to send out remarkable editions on Maryknoll Affiliate life and purpose. The English NSFA is available in paper & digital versions. The Spanish NTLH is available in digital version. If you like to get on the list to receive the paper NSFA, contact Bob Short at: To view any digital edition of the newsletters, click below on either NSFA or NTLH…or both.